
The Africa Network of Insurers Associations (ANIA) at its meetings held on Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th February 2023 in Mauritius, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which is intended to govern its operations.


In June 2022 on the sidelines of the African Insurance Organisation (AIO) conference in Nairobi, National Insurers Associations in Africa agreed to come together and form an association called Africa Network of Insurers Associations. The current membership of ANIA includes:

S/NMember AssociationCountry
1Uganda Insurers Association (UIA) Uganda
2Association of Kenya Insurers (AKI) Kenya
3Association of Tanzanian Insurers (ATI) Tanzania
4Insurers Association of Mauritius (IAM) Mauritius
5Ghana Insurers Association (GIA) Ghana
6Insurers Association of Zambia (IAZ)Zambia 
7Association Des Assureurs Du Rwanda (ASSAR) Rwanda
8Nigerian Insurers Association (NIA) Nigeria
9Insurance Association of Malawi (IAM) Malawi
10Association of Ethiopian Insurers (AEI) Ethiopia
11Insurance Council of Zimbabwe (ICZ) Zimbabwe
12South Africa Insurers Association (SAIA)South Africa
13Association des sociétés d'assurance et de réassurance de la RDC (ASAR RDC)Democratic Republic of Congo

Membership of ANIA

Membership is open to and FREE for all National Insurers Associations in Africa.

Objectives of ANIA 

  • To contribute to international dialogue on issues of common interest at the different international insurance forums such as the AIO; 
  • To cooperate and assist each other in representing the insurance industry to increase the industry’s effectiveness; 
  • To share ideas, knowledge, and non-commercial information; 
  • To actively participate in the AIO issues that shall and/or are likely to impact the insurance business;
  • To promote cross border business and cooperation and identify activities that shall form the areas for cross border co-operation to enable a conducive business environment; 
  • To promote cooperation and networking with the regulators and other stakeholders in Africa; 
  • To support members in lobbying for enabling and appropriate legislative framework; 
  • To promote ethics in the insurance business throughout Africa and to ensure that the Insurers Associations conduct themselves and their affairs in a respectable manner consistent with national, regional and international interests;
  • To support and strengthen initiatives by national associations; 
  • To promote cohesion among the members through regular conferences, workshops, publications and other mechanisms; 
  • To adopt a common strategy to achieve the above objectives; and
  • To carry out related activities as may be deemed prudent and necessary to facilitate the realization of the above objectives.